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Chapter 2. Follow the signs

二年级上学期英语,第2课 Follow the signs,课文、生词及句型。Chapter 1. Follow the signs (Primary Longman Express 2A)


Read the story

1. Tim,Coco and her brother Yoyo are going on an outing.
Quick! Let's get on the train!
Hey! Don't push.
Why not?
It's dangers.We mustn't push on the platform.
Oh, I see!

2. The childern are in the park now.
Wow! This flower in beautiful!
Hey! Don't pick the flowers.
Why not?
There will be no more beautiful flowers.
Your right! We mustn't pick the flowers.

3.The children go to the zoo next. They ary waiting for the bus.
Come here,Yoyo. We must line up in the bus stop.
It's rude to jump the queue.
Oh, I understand now.

It's = It is
mustn't = must not
You're = you are
shouldn't = should not

A. Key words (生词表)

feed the animals     喂动物
touch the animals   触摸动物
pick the flowers     摘花
spit                       吐痰
talk on the phone    讲电话
take off your shoes  脱鞋子
litter                     (扔)垃圾
push                       推

B. useful words (有用的单词)

follow the sign        遵守标语
shouldn't                不应该    ( = should not )
outing                    外出,旅行
quick                     快
get on the train       上火车
dangerous              危险
mustn't                 不可以 ( = must not )
platform               月台,站台
rude                     粗鲁的
jump the queue      插队
understand            懂了
taxi stand              出租车站  (bus stop 公共汽车站)
games room          活动室
cinema                 电影院 
bus stop               公共汽车站  (taxi stand 出租车站 )
lessons outside school (校外)社会实践
notice                     通知
enter                      进入
shout                     大叫
loudly                    大声地
slippers                  拖鞋
snack                    零食

C. Key structures (句型结构)

We must line up in the bus stop.               我们必须在公交车站排队。
We mustn't push in the platform.              我们不可以在月台拥挤。
We must take off our shoes in the games room. 我们必须脱鞋进活动室。

[ 2009-9-19 ]